Has the community been consulted on the amount of the bond ($106 million) and whether taxpayers can afford the added taxes?
Yes, the District conducted a poll that tested bond measure amounts and various tax rates. The results of the poll have been incorporated into the proposed bond measure. Additionally, the District has held numerous public meetings where questions and concerns of the community were answered and discussed openly.

Is our proposed bond measure cost effective for taxpayers?
Yes, the proposed measure will be issued in four separate installments. The total combined payment schedule will consist of regular payments of principal and interest.

Does our proposed bond measure use the more costly capital appreciation bonds (“CABs”) which defer interest payments to future generations?
No, our proposed bond measure only utilizes current interest bonds (which pay regular semiannual interest), which are the most cost-effective bond type that the District can issue.

The proposed bond measure makes the assumption that the tax base in our community will grow up to 4.5% annually; is this reasonable?
Yes, this is a reasonable assumption.  The District’s tax base growth has averaged 5.15% annually over the past 20 years.  Just this last year, the tax base grew by 7.54%.