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Added Oct 06, 2023
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yes we're ready when you are Rebecca I think you good evening it is now 7:55 the board completed closed session items on the agenda and I at this time we have taken no action moving to the next agenda item which will be 9.2 minutes on regular meeting can I get a motion sorry this is consent agenda I forgot sorry I know something whatever whichever it is I think that we need to report out that no actions were taken okay so no point of privilege needed their can I get a motion 4 can I get a motion for contempt agenda yes my Poulan oh yes I'm taking notes just one I'm just would like to call 919-929-3911 and also a plus one on the 919 so thank you Miss a girl any others okay so I need a motion and we have three items that have been pulled that need to be removed from the agenda for item so I move to approve 94 through 9:10 as well as 9:12 through 9:18 is that right and then it is at the last one though 9/20 + 920 can I get a second a second thank you all those in favor say aye okay let's move to item 9 to Laredo since you pulled it can we start with you yes I just would already conveyed that 8.1 of this item if we could replace the word s*** into it should thank you very much and then I and then I would without amendment I would move to approve any of the session all those in favor say aye thank you so much thank you thank you so now I'm moving to 9.39 point three is mine and I see that my questions were not answered previously answered as we speak so for public my questions on this one were about the PO ending in 62 free security agents finance charges contract ended in June of 2023 if we could get please get an explanation I also was looking for more description on the u.s. bank statements I am not as familiar with the security a safety glass for the boardroom so if that could be quickly explained as well as the zoom subscription and I'm wondering if it's a if that's something that each site is response or rather than consolidating district-wide and thank you so this this subscription was a special one time for a super large account like 10,000 something so we could Stream So it it was a one-time otherwise it's paid for Central Lee okay so we don't have this like a large account to stream and which is why we generally don't share that it's us at autos turn off faces right this was just a super super large account I think it was like ten thousand or something the capability because of a of a meeting that they wanted to schedule and they only wanted it for this one time and so I'm assuming it's because we save money when we don't have that all the time yeah okay thank you very much and so do we have answers on the other things mister hunter Reynolds I don't have an answer for the $7,500 finance charge that's unusual take a look at that and I'll report back in time a charge came for Aegis and after the contract close I had to ask Mister ronchetti that if that should be the last charge ever for that because it ended back in June and this was what August Maybe August or September and he said he believed so so this this really is a surprise to me and it can anybody talk to the safety class in the boardroom I'll look into that too I was unaware that we had a problem with the boardroom news to me will look into it u.s. bank statements will be clarified in the Friday my mouth cuz I don't have the data with me at the moment thank you Allah. it would feel if you could cut us off at the pass and provide that information even if it shows up that way in the POs you know so that we can feel confident in them but our descriptions are in the future yeah thank you can I get a second all those in favor say aye 911 so I had asked about the attachment which was sent by assuming it was sent to all of us ever did everyone got the attachment but our public doesn't did we provide the did we provide that in-house hear the remainder of the detachment there was an attachment the last page or two were missing it it was the attachment with the actual assignment and rates of the contract for Sunbelt we got it later today and it was uploaded into the the question-and-answer doc so will I'll check with my friends about the proper way to make sure it's public we just got to him today would you like me to do something different are we okay because that's what's missing the rate and the the assignment and the rates I like Mister Reynolds answer that's a concern Mickey Mouse with no Diet Doctor Fannin would she got well it's more of a it's more of a public records thing I would prefer to be clean always I just always better if we can bring it back that's what always be my recommendation so did any of us move this nope know so would you like to pull it we would like to pull it thank you so no action needs to happen here I want us some clarification so is it that when the transmittal of this contract came to us we didn't record the fees or or the the staff did have it did see it and it was accidentally not put here I'm just trying to get clarity is it did we as staff see this in or we never saw it and that's why we're pulling it and if I'm week we've already taken action I just want clarity uploaded because it was a current agreement without the additional piece I don't know if it was not negotiated doctor fan and if you have any update if you're on it was page that I found the right again on my recommendation Republic thank you I just wanted to know if we week we had seen it or not okay that's great thank you so much. Actually needed there does 2919 exemption all right to this one I spent in some questions and I'm kind of just a couple times this is the one about asking for the exemption for the 55% rule for 2 years ago for about 35,000 couple of things on that I want to clarify I did one thing I want to clarify cuz I looked at the end code on this it is and code for 137 to the end she says applications for waivers need to be in by September 15th did we miss the deadline on it and discussion is moot I have to check on that okay the other thing is is what I wanted to clarify is if we are not granted this waiver what happens my understanding is the the money is does redistribution mean by the county office to the classroom teachers which on the face of it is not to me the worst I mean I I know the district would like to use that money a different way however it was originally budgeted but just speaking of myself if this is kind of bee County's solution to not spending enough on classroom salaries certificated in and classified that is not necessarily a huge negative to me I think the biggest question I have though is if you could explain a little bit about why the districts is this because the whole Crux of the application is that a cause of financial hardship and if you could explain a little bit how that outcome would provide a would be a financial hardship for the district looking that are multi your projection every dollar is precious we don't want to lose this if if you take a look at the lower right-hand box in the multi or projection you see a smaller number than the penalty would be which would technically result in us not being able to support a A+ certification Altima in three years in 3 years what the certification would be spoon but since it would be the third year out that would Place Us in Jeopardy could we also make adjustments elsewhere in the budget to absorb that cost or that certification becomes a question well like I said every dollar is precious and when we talked to Lako he said a lot of districts are facing us and so we're not the only ones having an issue with this and like we talked about will be preparing a strategic plan to restore the 55% understood and I appreciate the comments that the prison I was told also made about a lot of this money went to out of class support positions and things like that but I also know that in my time on the board we is a body have chosen to make other appointments outside of the classroom that warrant necessarily direct student services like a coach or or an teacher or something like that so I would definitely you may not be able to come up with an answer immediately on the spot but that's September 15th thing I think this is relevant whether the deadline may have already past for this but I be able to support this one tonight thank you so for me I'm going to I'm going to take it back another stop because I think what's missing for the public is that after the agenda was put out I are both of us to head mr. Guerrero and I or I have asked where the backup was because in the attachment it said please attach a written explanation of why this might be a financial hardship and so after that mister Reynolds you had sent the multi your projection is starting with 2223 for the next couple years and so in that demonstration cuz really if you're asking us to approve it it should be approved along with this extra page which was not included for the public to see so and then also mr. Guerrero just said like it this should have been although it doesn't say on the application that it needs to be applied for by September there is nowhere on there it's about like when I'm reading it and even if this was a part of the public of what the public is seeing then it's also like I don't see where the penalty is I think that you know can you explain what the actual penalty is for y'all were talking specifically about the 2122 school year correct so I just a little bit in this case and so therefore the penalty is what mr. Reynolds I don't have number right in front of you but it's in the range of 3 to $30,000 to 55% so then it makes us even less compliant but then that would be reflected in this current School Year's financials right then the next step would be to come up with a plan to reduce it but we'd be stuck with what we have now for the current year so this this penalty would be for this current year and this multi-year projection takes into account Justice $35,000 penalty are you looking at penalty moving forward I'm assuming we'll eliminate the penalties moving forward and that wasn't a part of your written explanation right cuz we don't see we only saw your multi your projection but there's no explanation of what the he is and what the impact is am I I'm I'm asking the both of you how how do we move forward from here first boss first for me but my understanding from informal dialogue with folks that have worked at Lake OH is they pay attention to it they wouldn't necessarily penalize her it's it's a it's a small amount if it would kick it again I think we have a different story and they know we're working on it so I don't anticipate us being fined per se but they are monitoring it and so we're aware of it it's not something magically we can eat at this nice to be baked into a multi-year process has Mister Reynolds talked about I think everything we do here is focused on getting not just above 55% but in the 60s that's for we should be and so that is our commitment but I at the same time I feel you have compelled to say we inherited this we're hustling to fix it and we will fix it and I think you all totally have the ability in the authority to ensure that we do and so I think working together we should be passed Synergy and making this happen together along with our labor Partners we're being we're being asked to just approve I mean I guess I want to ask my colleagues if we're okay approving this application knowing that the the backup is not was not shown to the public tonight I'd like to respond I am comfortable voting in favor of it and I really want to just pick up where dr. Keller left off there cuz where I'm looking at it is that as a part of this body I'm in the business of serving students today and tomorrow and so it's really about student impact and we already have an understanding of getting Beyond 55% and our next budget because of our raises we have committed to numerous efforts reduce our out-of-district contracts in multiple departments and we're getting a strategic plan from our finance department to the effect of at least both of those if not more in the near future and so I wouldn't two additional risk penalizing our students by taking any further hit on our budget so I'm I'm comfortable with the understanding that we are asking late go to support us we're moving forward and and Lego will let us know exactly what that looks like I'm I'm perfectly comfortable with that they are really here to support us as we support students they're not in the business of punishing so much as is experience but they're they're really here to help build capacity if I could comment on the month of your budget when we prepare this we assumed that the multi-year budget balance on the third-year out was it self-explanatory reason for why it would it would penalize us if we were penalized other words we thought that it was self-evident okay so did you want to add more things go go ahead as long as I mean like if everybody else is feels buying like that's the I guess my question is more so like we need to come back and was that part was left off like then we'll do that like and I don't think that is the case but if it is we would okay Bordeaux are you complete I was asked how I feel about this and I feel that there was an influx of Esther monies that came to all are districts throughout the nation and that the district attempted to utilize the money especially when we found out that the money was not going to come with an extension and that we filled the void the that we could and those boys included vendors outside staff outside our union members are labor membership ice completely comfortable saying if this was due September 17th and we are ready at 26 let's approve this let's see if we can make this happen so that we don't lose a single Dollar in a penalty if that penalty let's say we don't get it it's a penalty is $35,000 go back to the classrooms hooray that's also I feel like it's a win-win situation whether we approve it or we don't approve it the outcome is still going to be the same witches who actually not the same one will be a penalty that then continues to propagate are removing dollars from our budget and the other one is the if we don't get the waiver the money close to our classrooms and that's great to me so to me I'm in favor of approving putting it out there especially if it was September 15th and we're a little late that lets that's get it approved so I'd like to send everybody to be clear it was more so the question is how comfortable are we because we left off the written explanation like and it wasn't a part of our public documents with a touchpad we can always add just wise and I just talked with him and it's not so much yeah we can always add the explanation to to include to add to the record we would send a go exactly what the board approved and if they'd send us a rebuttal it says we need to bring this back with XYZ that we will that's three say it went for For Eyes Loretta those not her favorite Nae they may one day I had a wrong movie Enough I'm going to leave the listening to the vote to you Miss Williams because obviously it didn't hear correctly moving to 10.1 information items I'd like to remind the board that under information items board policy 93 23 this is for us to provide input reaction the are our staff is going to provide a presentation no motion needed please follow if you have something to say play follow our rotation and let's commence with the first information item which is 10.2 first rating text Rebecca you have this stuff is he all right no good evening board again this is our first read of our chronic attendance plan on we've received some data and we've disaggregated it when is my student group we are still disagree dating by race and ethnicity but we have this for your view tonight so for our first group we have broken out. English learner students you will see the columns are School named English learner enrollment students absent less than or equal to 5% or students absent greater than or equal to 20% 10% is where you hit chronic absenteeism so you'll see where we have three of our schools that will require some more of our attention do we have a copy of this digitally. I haven't paid attention to no I didn't know we could we didn't I'm not able to see that I don't know if I'm the only one I'm wondering is this I'm listening but it's easier if I can do both easier flat if I can both hear and see it helps me wonder if there's a zoom way or a email way maybe if I go into Zoom that's better dr. Smith would you mind telling us what part were you were showing you were talking about I'm I'm yes terms of the columns school name this is our attendance Broken Out by English Learners by school the third column is students absent less than or equal 5% which is something to focus on however students absent greater than or equal to 20% 10% being when you hit chronic absenteeism and we'll see that at time three of our schools will require as if we get into the attendance plan this will require tier 2 to get started breakout is by are unhoused students we will see that at the High School absent greater than 8 20% is almost 20% of our students and towards the end we have a lot of Iona at 30.77% our third slide is around our students that have an IP at the high school we have about 13 and a half percent greater than 20% and then at at Lynn how it's important to note that the schools in our district with the highest number of percentage of students with IEPs to Abby's School not that we would expect but statistically we would expect to see a greater numbers because there's greater percentages the next group is by lower FPS will see that we've got less than 10% in groups greater or equal to 20% at the high school and at El Rincon and then we just didn't overall at each of the schools and over all of students super chronically absent this is data from 21-22 so this gives us our first pecan to the need for and how we qualify for differentiated assistance for our chronic absenteeism there were questions about the first reading we looked at it's going to be teared here one being those items that every student gets updated mailings when we approve BP and we are 5113 training with a k it's clerks I'm actually at a training tomorrow and admin on 9/28 about messaging tier-1 is where we're letting the entire Community know attendance is important when we get to tier-2 we're looking at student attendance review team the start we've looked at we're pulling six I excused absences are 10 excused absences absences. We don't get any 88 weather excuse or us however we do want to know why our students are not in school so we can meet at 8 that we're looking at 2 or 2 cuz I know that board members had some questions in terms of what we do need to see if there's academics safety anything in the home health school culture student voice. Voice attendance barriers with students with disabilities that we're looking at the group of and doing a root cause as to why and then if you have a set of interventions based on what those reasons might be so for instance if they're our parents voice so are our parents being able to communicate effectively with the school when we take a look at 5113 we want to take a look at make sure we differentiate in what what's an excused absence and what are schools requiring for that so if it's if it's a parent Voice or a block if it's a school code sure am I feeling bullied or not belonging we need to then once we understand it because just because the students on house doesn't mean the same reasons they're not coming to school we need to know if they are we were talking to tr3 we have reinstated the star process and have dates this is also where we would identify wraparound services and engage our school and Family Support Services so we've already started to new but you have we've already started to new on in terms of flushing that out based on our data there was a question about you know we were in differential assistance because of students for disability in our students were on house that is that will be our first two groups to start with based on their the data at their particular schools are there any questions about that this is first reading dr. Smith would you like to finish your presentation before we ask questions thank you for actually for this particular item I have several items tonight but this particular item I just wanted to give you an essence of what the framework that's what we're talking about and what we're looking at for a tiered system do for this section this particular point is closed thank you did you say the data that you share that this data on the screen right now 2122 I'm sorry 2220 okay thank you and if you're going to the side I know you called out several different student groups was there a slide for on how students yes it was okay I miss you I love you thank you yeah you mentioned it but the importance of all students particularly our students with disabilities and are on how students were the ones identified through that differentiated assistance process you mentioned looking for root causes for different types of four different causes and reasons for chronic absenteeism have you and your team or or the school sites begun to identify with some of those root causes are on flea for our students begin to you know we actually started this in the spring of last year taking the opportunity to do it and put the interviews quite a bit of it was about school culture and others was voice and that sense of belonging and so I know that dr. Thomas and her team especially at the high school that's which is where our second largest group is has started to put some things in place there when you go and lock the key and you talked with students we are not hearing some of the same concerns but we're pouring in and then for our La by yonas Community we know that part of a test of of starting a certain advisory Council to be able to hear directly from those parents to understand what the challenges are okay can you give an example to school culture at the high school in LA that was in reference to on how students can you give an example about something of of the school culture maybe in the past it's been rectified but how School culture might make it challenging for for a nun how student and how we can the kind of begin to address Pat but they were not men so I'm I'm here I'm floating and then I saw in class and when I'm not here there's no hey I missed you and the classroom I'm glad you're back students to be gone at that heretofore could be gone for days at a Time come back just kind of business as usual so that sense of connection call me back you know someone is looking out for me and looking for me was something that was predominant in in the feedback okay and so an idea about addressing that would be we're working with our high school in terms of we've got training coming in for all of our administrators on 10:5 and then for another set on 11 one on how to be more inclusive how to have these conversations many of these students are part of our queer Community which we know that has other challenges as well and so we are addressing it with with distinct and targeted training for teachers can understand how to manage classroom when f-bombs fly across the room it's not just we don't do that there's a way to be addressed to all our kids feel safe in the classroom so those are two things off the back that are scheduled eminently okay thank you I mean and just as we move forward and I would really want to us to keep our again on all students but particularly the students who've been to identified as having patterns of chronic absentee rate higher than other two students absolutely what was the very last thing you said and I'm just interested to know and I didn't understand why we're having particularly High chronic absentee rates that were identified as populations at a disproportionately high by Camp some tea and so you were a looking for different date I'm so sorry I want to make sure that the plan that we have is it just a plan for everyone's attendance you're trying to Target the ones who have the most need. That's I just didn't I wasn't thank you thank you so much it's so important in and it's fantastic to see this underway and the year of the data did initiate a question in my mind because we were we were identified for year 2120 to yeah and so this data we're looking at at 2223 do you know if it's better or worse you know I got that report I think in some areas there was little or no improvement in 22 we were not in in school the whole session so that data action was not really valid it was all over the place remember we return to person in 2122 okay so and then my only other question is I really appreciate you answering questions for mr. Guerrero I think it's important for us to have those hard conversations and and we all want to grow and we all want to better serve our students so it's good to just name the thing and then be able to articulate why the trainings like 10:00 5 and 11/1 if I remember correctly November one is about inclusion of our students with disabilities and all students in all educational environments but what's on October 5th October 5th is Atman counter where all of our administrators district-wide will be getting training from a deep-rooted practices dr. Vinny Pompeii will start with sexually out groups of leaders make sure we got it solid and if I'm remembering contract correctly that focus on our LGB you are a student population but of course it's inclusion at large but he can put his wealth all student thank you so much thank you so much respect for your leadership on this especially as we are on the cusp of ending our attendance awareness month and pay that we've been initiating here on demand our Core Pride I just had a question about the conversation. You're having about root cause and I'm wondering if at all by that you mean campus climate and if not if you ever thought about trying to get to the bottom of if our campus climate is having any intersectionality with students not showing up to school specific their most vulnerable kids that there is definitely intersectionality vest do we have these pockets of brilliant students like Emmy back at Moto who is we're pushing for you know mental health standards of the intersection of a great deal of anxiety amongst our children for various reasons so that would go back to the healthy add a week for the unpack that what is driving the thing xiety at our campuses and I I just I must clarify that I have not experienced that as much this year as I in the spring of last year okay so the conversations I've had this year with our very much Progressive and moving forward like we're if with the board's approval looking at a piloting curriculum out of Sonoma County for mental health and outside of a a health course Very directly targeted for our students and once we know what it is that we have to intervene targeted so is that answer your question so I did have some questions beforehand so thank you for helping to answer some of those in sin this is the first read it I mean I would expect that is it this is 1st Street or is this just an information item can you clarify that for me it's both because of I know that like you know this is this is evolving and so that my colleagues and the public know some of the questions that I asked where if you could please differentiate more between you're too and tier-3 and I hope that this kind of part is trying to figure out what to call it just kind of chart is accessible in terms of language to our public to our staff to the folks that are going to be not only providing these interventions to a TSS but like to our to our parent caregiver Guardian community so that they can help support the students and understand so if I get to this then that triggers this and that and because at the first I sought your wants your 2 and 2/3 they seem to similar and it wasn't clear to me as a parent like what's the escalation and they really need to understand the Escalade and so you did answer some of those questions and I hope that on another iteration that that does come out and one of the things that I was that you do agree with is that if is it necessary to have language that's like interventions are or resources when needed when we can just offer the kitchen sink to to our folks without saying when needed we're going to make an assessment so that we can give the interventions that they need right and it's not about encouraging it's like taking out a menu in saying does this apply in like going down that list so that we can get those but his feet and making them feel as comfortable as possible at at school when I was in St Louis we visited a Community Education Center where they we had asked about dress code and because they have resources they are to say like oh we don't care if they wear because if they feel that they need to wear a hat because maybe they couldn't fix their hair that they we'd rather them be ready to learn as comfortable as possible there with us instead of worrying about their hair at home and so I address to really think about how we can be more accepting of our students and affirming their identities and coming as they are so that they will feel more comfortable to learn so I thank you for this information this is information I think that many of us have been looking for it for this past year in terms of local data and I'm happy to listen to How periodically we're going to hold accountable to this now that I this information though I do want to say to folks that like our lgbtq plus Youth and has a very high experience of homelessness because their identities are not always affirmed at home which is why although we can't that's not a state you know identifier or and or identify or that we have at school in any way shape or form that we we collected in terms of but you can see how that school climate in that case with our on house folks could have a large intersectionality there of our lgbtq youth and I just also want to point out for me colleagues and for the public that our suspension and expulsion rate because we don't do that at lower grades I mean we we have a different criteria for that at the lower Gray the first is the secondary that you will see more of that and because our high school students are more expected to get to school on their own that you would see at a higher rate over all of pocket chronic absenteeism in in in there and so whatever we can and I just want to impress upon us as a board and as District leadership that we have to do more to be able to make our folks more comfortable and not to shame our folks at school so that you know if we if if it's all the Bow by using our own washer dryers at the high school then we need to make it happen because I think a lot of folks also don't know that some of that you know that might be available to them but you or that like they could go to cover closet or whatever needs that they have because sometimes they there's a Shame about self-identifying so I just want us to be clear that this isn't all just soon as I want to learn it's not that and if we approach this as soon as the want to learn and we are failing because we need to make sure that we're doing everything in our in our means to be able to I'm get those buttons ft. So thank you for this and I look forward to our future generation thank you thank you so much I can already start seeing I really appreciate the data and I hope that maybe you can send it to us in the Friday memo so that I can ignore outfit yes thank you I can already see our school sides implementing some of this work I saw an email from the high school that went out on September 24th at talked about and I talked about attendance and how important it is and I'm wondering is this also happening at the elementary level cuz I saw a couple of elementary schools part of our partnership with FIA are getting these resources and really just great promotional materials that since you know the beginning of September we've been sending out they've been sitting in their their newsletters we have sent some information to call her Pride will continue to do that but that's part of Tier 1 that every needs East address and the importance of being in school and I'm not just about the Ada recruitment it is we know we know their trajectory of our kids are missing so many days of school we know what it is so we need to mediate that early so yes they have been receiving and then tomorrow I cuz I wear with the tennis practice tomorrow and admin on Thursday I want to start with the preface profess My New Self is coming I know our labor Partners I was so grateful to hear their labor Partners said let's review job openings that we need for the work then you are this doing so yes I agree we're going to do this and we don't have those positions and I'm going to ask about how is the earth helping us with the tendons are they helping us with attendance I know that in the May presentation they talked about attendance are they yes we have the Newark has a staff member that actually has a a cubicle in the front office at the high school so dr. Thomas is utilizing Mister Joelle Ward for tracking students down, you know having conversations with so those building the relationships I know that he's also gone over to the middle school I know that you work has a presence at at Culver's High School currently I'm so those two areas are where they've been able to are having some influence until we get the location for them to work figured out that's pretty much the extent is helping with those two sites in that capacity for Joelle was is an attendant that was his role even last year is to build relationships to be the person that said when you get back on something very simple I think I missed you goes a long way thank you thank you and our last visit with me or there was a conversation about how they provide case management not so much or they call it Care Management and the reason I'm bringing that up is because it seems like some of these targeted groups right that are chronic absenteeism may be aided by connecting them to a case manager to support them with the root causes when we met with students at New Earth one of those students talked about how their identity at home let them to be announced and how they needed a lot of support from the other words for housing to negotiate a new home with their family and relatives support so my my my question about this is can we like the students were like stream are they getting connected to a case management to find out some of those root causes like do they need groceries do they need a rent voucher do they need so fruit for those cases so before we get to I'm in that something we were trying to do last week with with the counselors is really flush out the tiered system because we have a wealth of resource already in place and so when we have exhausted what our counseling team is able to do what I meant health therapist are able to do then it becomes more of a tier four and that would be more of of newer they're taking care of a couple of our students right now who are on house need rental assistance food but there's a tiered process and we take care of the first free for it moves to and working with the counselors and admin to understand the trigger to move over so we're working through that okay thank you thank you so much okay I think I might have something to do and this is actually something that the board member is it or hot when we were talking about dashboard data earlier that suspensions also count as absentee absences an hour on house population has also a very high suspension rate and so Alternative forms of what is an alternative means of Correction and different types of interventions to help didn't you are experiencing homeless who are also running afoul of that system whether it's by choices that are made or by systems that are unsympathetic and unyielding to conditions that their experience I would I would encourage us to look at the intersection of discipline for students with disabilities are flagged as a very high suspension rate but it is higher than many of our other student groups and cell suspension of students with disabilities in suspension of on how students is also playing Into The Chronic absentee rates there thank you pick moving to 13.2 approve of a epic if education Consulting Services consultation did we pull that 113 sorry compensation report a member the Board of Education do we have a report or a staff member report nothing okay I do want to say something because I I I constantly our community tends to say you work for us and we do we provide volunteer work for you and I want to just clearly outline to our community that are work is never-ending and that our compensation is very minimal it probably doesn't even cover gas at the current gallon price so as you can tell we make around $250 some of us I want to ask if mister Reynolds can help me understand how come I get a $268 check but this report says 426 we can do it offline so anyways there's just I've always been curious and I quite don't understand it and I love an explanation of that but thank you so much for the opportunity from our community to serve you as your volunteers and I really I'm thankful that this District gives us this small token of appreciation because some districts don't even do that moving on to the next item is it nothing under 11 13.1 second reading no no that was step 31 was bald okay and then should have made notes if 13.2 was that bulldozer that was The Proposal that the board reviewed last time it took you to come back in contract form so this is the paper by the gracious gift of a temptation to bring in education where will be training specific protocol recognize interrupt and repair through courageous dialogue that has everything that I've seen has moved forward I just want to make note that last year we did quite a bit of our we tried to do quite a bit of antivirus work and we can see back about you know it would stall and then when you leave you no further explored it was about not having the words to be able to tell them to have a conversation with a colleague and maintain that relationship and so this is an opportunity for us to to learn a specific protocol through a framework of courageous a dialogue to be able to do that until I'm asking for the board's approval I would like to move it discussion how do we get this training how do we get this training how does the board yet I'm genuinely asking but I know it's not always appropriate in the stop sign so I I mean it delicately but like trainers and will be able to support the okay and the board has asked this question for other services like this in the past and there is some barrier wear for some reason when our stock of this amazing training they don't feel comfortable coming to train the board so I'll also just throw out that it may be necessary the professional has come with a board if at all possible because for whatever reason there's a power dynamic or something right okay thank you no no no no thank you okay I just want to say thank you for bringing it back and I hope that whatever you have planned cuz I know you had something planned I hope that that will proceed or proceeded it wasn't canceled or delayed okay all of those in favor say aye I was not in favor say nay that was like a Big 5 ice I'm really bad at listening today okay my ears are not working okay moving to 13.3 13 / 3 discussion presentation for stations for moving I just want to know. station I've had with with community members and some board members about policy versus practice to get to the practice of the is consistent is a training matter and we are aware and are working towards that so they were no changes from the last time so if there's no other questions or comments were asking that it be approved discussion I know. Thank you so much all of those in favor say aye aye aye 13.4 I can move it can you please first here okay sorry this is an action item additional changes from last time or just a result of the the 3123 gamete version we received our our access to the latest and greatest and you can just get lost in there's so much work we need to do to update policies but this is a good start and there's you know several board policies that are cross reference we are aware of those and plan to to update you're asking for Porter-Cable on 5113 AR discussion you mentioned it at the outset on the outside on the go that you know we talked about this there's nothing I don't have any I concern is not about the policy it's about the implementation and so if we can just have ongoing conversations like he said that great so thank you very much calories in favor say aye aye 13.4 second reason of approval revised industrial regulation motion for discussion Prairie 13.5 there was a recommendation to replace the word periodically play stupid cordially because that is the time when most of the information attendance excuse notices that said or however we're clearing absences are updated till we're proposing cordially that's the. We would like to propose a movie a second reading discussion let's move on to 13.6 second reading or did I'm behind and compute to are we on the right now you are okay and we approve typo with improved for those two Corrections were made and we're asking for board approval can I get a motion I'll move it those in favor say aye 13.7 + this is a resolution so I do want a presentation but if we pass it I would like for us to read it proceed this is an updated resolution to one that we passed September 27th 2022 where we named out Latina Latino Latin X and Hispanic Heritage Month in River City there were two changes to the resolution that I proposed one was the whereas number 12 I'm to acknowledge and celebrate the increasing AP exams taken by Latin x in Spanish students as well as maintaining a 75% pass rate and the second is where has number 13 the establishment of a district-wide Latino and Hispanic families Council to engage equip and empower Latino and Hispanic families in Culver City Unified there were two edits that have been proposed that I'd like to make the second based on some recommendation to remove diversity and replace it with recognizes the multi lingual and Multicultural family and experiences and the second edit is I want to delete the fourth therefore be resolved because we don't offer pre-ap programs nor AP Support classes could you repeat that last yes to the second edit is to delete the fourth therefore be it resolved because we don't offer creepy programs nor a piece no pre-ap program for the poor AP Support classes for students to access presentation thank you for the present for so the 4th therefore can I just read that this is the therefore it be resolved secust will increase the number of students who are of Hispanic or Latino that are college-ready that one that's the one you want to remove the number 12 is it celebrate the increase in AP exam you want to remove the one with the AP exams I want I want to remove the one that talked about 8 38 pee pee pee pre AP and then which one else do you want to remove on top of his head I want to remove the second whereas the recognizes diversity and substitute instead of diversity multilingual and Multicultural families and experiences where can I get a motion I would like to move this one their second affectionate thank you okay just crushing on this one I'm really happy that we are doing a resolution about heritage month I'm also very happy that we are creating the Latino and family Hispanic Council I feel like now that we've taken two different resolutions and kind of shove them together on this because what I see for the most part in here a description about some successes that we've had locally but also some needs we have locally and that's why we need some of the goals and that I've been a family Council and things like that but I don't like we have a whole lot about in here is Latino heritage and when I looked around at some other kind of Heritage Month descriptions it tends to celebrate contributions of Latinos to the United States into the culture and to Art and music and culinary arts and construction and engineering and astronautics and stuff like that celebration and I see some of that locally with some like I took some local successes but like I said I feel like we're kind of putting two things here together and it feels too good things to do and two things that I'm glad to see but it it just doesn't quite gel for me and I think that the biggest example is that last whereas whereas the district will establish a district-wide Latino and family Council that doesn't feel like a where has to me that feels like I have therefore we will do this thing so I don't know I mean I don't know other board members field this doesn't quite gel right doesn't quite serve either purpose entirely and we want to play with it the other idea is I heard mentioned the ACs meeting tomorrow might this be something that would be worth asking EST to take a look at and get some kind of a wider set of eyes on and bringing this back I'm I'm going to go feed my the floor for others opinions I am I had not thought about that particular point about it being called a vintage document what I was excited about is that for me it feels like a a step further so in 2017 we established ourselves to save schools district which you know was about many historically marginalized populations that that the president presidential election was putting all of this heat and rhetoric directed towards and we were make those particular student bodies and their families feel safer and commit to actually forming what then became the AC but also commit to not sharing any information with ice which is already School District actress but really trying to reaffirm commitments then we formed the what was called the inclusion of respecting diversity task force and became the AC at the direction of board member McBride and then that's been doing some work and we had a neck the action plan and then there's lots of other things I'm not including and then last year we did this resolution for Heritage and the meaning of Heritage is important and should go lightly so I want to acknowledge that and it was really interesting to see with our community about what we're going to call it and had a folks feel about the naming around these various populations in the diaspora and and then so for me this is real exciting is the next step I'm comfortable with the completion because the stuff is so important I'd really like us I think that changing the whereas to now therefore it be dissolved for the families Council would be an important at it that I'd like us to make as part of an amended motion but if I met his folks will there with me I'm going to provide some of my rash now I'm moving forward tonight and then dealing with you know perfect or imperfect resolutions as we iterate in in future years that would be my preference because I'm one of the things that was pointed out to me just a few months ago was that was that we have an increasing College and Career Readiness in this District but when you look for at what colleges are graduates go to what you find is that the group that most goes to Community College and again it's not a point of contention with the exist or the wonderful service at community colleges play in our community cuz they're really important but at the same time a traditional Public School ideally is going to send as many of its graduates as possible to the public state universities as much as possible and the population of our graduates that least goes to our use these and most those two community colleges in large numbers is are Hispanic or Latino population I need to set up the council is for with posthaste yesterday we recently got some preliminary data from our Ahmed services department and our English learner data of course which is not necessarily all Hispanic or Latino but in large part is is we know being underserved in our math and English language and so any ability to really active even aggressively engage these families is is really long overdue in my mind and so I'd really I'd really like to see the past tonight first and foremost I want you all to hear me with a yes Aunt my concern is that what we type things what we call things are words matter and I am in agreement that we need to serve our student groups with Justice and Equity however it is. hint of Latin Latin ask Hispanic Heritage Month to celebrate enjoy that Heritage and not to complete that with the actions that we have to do school board at the district Community to in order to make our educational system work so I'm concerned at this point is not a celebratory at other school district at the White House is Proclamation and as Legos and it's not your joyful enough to celebrate the wonderful multilingual Multicultural families that we have in our district so and since she hasn't had Hansen meat yet I think it's more valuable to get to delay and get feedback specifically on this resolution whether or not it is should be two step thanks cuz I know when I'm talking about Filipino American History Month when people complete it with Heritage Month it hurts it because that it's not supposed to be about the Heritage that also encompasses some history like Heritage is it's different when we're talking about history month and so when I feel like we're completing these two things that yes both need to be. and by the public comment that we had last year and granted I wasn't on the board at this time last year so I was in a part of the the dialogue that happened here but I are folks saying like they didn't feel included and my concern here is that it rather than like a rote recitation of what we had last year it's so much it's so much meaningful and include and if we include our families as so that this is representative of the Latin a community and the diaspora that is are our community here represent and that they feel represented by the resolution because it's not a monolith what I don't want to have is that diaspora is intersectional it you know whether they are higher cheating or need intervention it and regardless is economic or documentation status or ethnic origin is there afro-latino or indigenous like like I want to see them I feel like this is a part of their lives experience and I feel like this is only talking to like the work that we all need to do on this board in terms of justice and equity and that's what I meant. way that focal point from calling it a heritage month and then listing out the things that we need to do for it for justice and educate and education it's it feels like we're taking something away from the actual Heritage Month do you know when I asked some folks they said they said there's I wouldn't be offended if this was delayed and in fact there were people that had said that they were concerned and even if it was delayed it will come by during the month the Heritage Month still and that this work that this Equity work that we do need to do still can be done so I would be in support of delaying this or tabling this or or whatever but like I also I also know that there is support here to say like oh we have to forward but we have to move forward intentionally and I want you to hear that this is a yes and and not a barrier to actually get the work done it I feel like our community has been very big about being heard and if we just push this through it's like we just haven't engage them thank you so much colleagues for your input and I'm grateful to hear that you've been reaching out to community members because I also have been reaching out the community members and that's not what I'm hearing so what I'm hearing from our monolingual parents is they want their kids to have tutoring they want their kids to have opportunities to for bloated go they want kids to have opportunities to anti-bullying programs and one thing that I wanted to talk about is that for the first time the district has agreed to do a community event to celebrate latinx Heritage Month the events going to causes a boil it's been advertised already and the Cobra pride and maybe that would be a good opportunity for us to ask the community how we need to proceed I believe strongly there is continuous barriers to fight for crumbs this was the first resolution that we brought to the board even though we have almost 40% Latinos in our district and in some schools like Lie by Jonas 70% Latinos these are they we need to be doing more we need to be celebrating like the seasick weather event we need to be doing this resolution we need to be Plastering on website social media we want to celebrate or history or Heritage promote and highlight our our our our heroes are Idols are all the great people let's do it I am all for it let's do it in this resolution let's do it and every aspect of media that we have access to let's celebrate like you all are asking for the show up in strength and put resource to the seasick weather event let's not put barriers why do we continue to fight for crumb and ask for Perfection let's work at last year this resolution was not perfect and what did I say dr. Smith said please bring it back next year and prove it grow I don't ask for Perfection because that's a barrier to white supremacy I asked for growth this year the girls is the Latino Council the season for the event and I'm happy that we're moving in those Direction and we need to do a lot more and I'm disappointed hear that Anne's yes and what yes and let's put all our energy into where we need to go which is to elevate 40% of our children to be in 3 and self-actualized to call them Geniuses to show that their ancestors were geniuses yes and yes is what I wish I was hearing from my colleagues yes this and more I'm disappointed I'm disappointed because I continue to support every single aspect of work that you have put together and respect when you brought your resolution you weren't even a board member and you were given the care and attention to bring this your resolution to the board board member Lodi do and that's okay your process was okay that you had to pull it and review it and review it that's not my process and that's not what the community is saying the community saying yes let's do this let's do this and more Gemini read something that says hear what a resolution is a resolution means a judgment or mission of the body in the context of a legislative practice resolution is just a form in which legislative body expresses an opinion or Purpose with respect to a given matter or topic temporary temporary in nature this is not a permanent resolution and I will continue to ask dr. Smith to bring this resolution as many times as you see fit and if you want to have a Latino family Council resolution please bring it on I would appreciate that if you want to add seasick weather event so that its memory alive Hazard pinion in the resolution please bring it on next month why do we need to wait till October 10th to approve something that frankly will never be perfect and that it will continue to check as our opinion on a matter or topic continues to change okay next president I wanted to clarify here yes and means yes I support Latin X heritage month and we need to do more and so I feel like you know these kinds of things it's very important for us to be cohesive on and I feel like you're you're fighting something that doesn't need to be fought because the idea of white supremacy is the idea that resources are feeling limited I don't want it to be felt that we're fighting for crumbs because yes and means yes this all needs attention and the Focus needs needs to be if we need to create a council then we can do that in a in a stronger way and so I want to say that it doesn't it's not about the Perfection and we should be pushing us to be more cohesive and end that's why I opened up with the thoughts of first to my colleagues this is a yes Aunt I'd like to make more I I want to I want two more explicitly recognized the work that you've done on this and its second iteration where it's improved from the last one I really appreciate those additions and to your department and and the other folks that helped you on this and and use that as a way to explain what yes and I think should look like tonight which is yes and we iterate for subsequent work and that that's why I told progression is because the iteration is what the work of making Public School better all the time looks like and it definitely isn't what would be a no cuz if it didn't pass we can call yes and but it's effectively enough for today so that's what it would be so I would like us to say yes and means yes in our vote cohesively and we asked for more on future iterations and perhaps it means a specific and separate recognition of Heritage versus a council versus the data we're we're good and where we need to grow olives it's perfectly appropriate but especially considering the nature of the time of year this is that this is the first year this this institution is ever formally recognizing this month with an actual event that it's going to sponsor the fan that we have a board president employees who feels very strongly about this from a very lived experience place I think it's the right thing to do for this body to support them if I may absolute hear the point about iterations and any generation is better I don't see necessarily what's wrong with saying let's iterate this in two weeks you know let's let's bring this back in 2 weeks having kind of made some of the changes that we're suggesting here rather than let's try to do better next year we've got an opportunity in two weeks we're not saying put it off forever we're not not do it but I eat what I think I'm I'm hearing at least from another board member is you know let's separate these let's actually celebrate the accomplishments in the contribution to the Latino community and left recognize the district's responsibilities to a group of students and a group of families and our work that we need to do that in two weeks I haven't heard the harmonies from the communities that would be harmed by this resolution tonight and so I am very unconvinced that the delay of two weeks is going to have a good student impact and I'm about student impact by the same token what it what is the good impact on students of passing it tonight as a rush I think that's kind of a I totally don't agree that brushes an appropriate word we're already well into the month I don't sorry I don't want to I see not approving this or benching this and then in 2 weeks bringing it back as a rush because what I'm say let's approve this let's build this family Council and allow the family Council to give him put then after the family Council it gives input then we have more directions where to go from here I don't agree that it's a rush to approve today today we approve with the recommendations and we build the council we have our celebration and then we determine are we going to have one to three resolution I mean maybe what we need to bring is a Latin X achieve men plan and that could be the next iteration sure it's not to its 3 but guess what we don't have right now we don't have a family Council right now to even give I'm put into that so what we need to do now is approve and ask I'm asking for support on this and build this family Council and get the family Council to provide put and guidance on how to proceed is it a Latino achievement plan is a English learner plan is it a resolution for Heritage is it a resolution I just don't understand why it's so difficult for us to say maybe this needs to be multiple things and today this is where we're at in one have a family Council then we will have more and I don't even know if the family counts is going to be Latino Council or you know I love La Fuerza but maybe is going to be so, so trolls are you know but I sent a whatever they want to call themselves and and and and we cannot be saying this is what you need because I don't know that this is what I need I heard different things than what you were Hoosier Community my community is individuals are individuals who I speak to on a regular basis at lab Iona or I reach out because I know their Spanish monolingual parents who are terrified that their children are not going to pass math class can I can I cuz it's really important for me to to have a cohesion on this super important to me and I think dr. Kent for putting it trying to move that forward because because to me the conversation that's in front of us right now is more about we're hearing each other and because I don't I don't particularly think that I was heard and that's fine but that's not where I want to spend my energy right now I want to move forward and if we see like some of the things I feel like we've not put the cart and we've put the cart in the wrong place and in front of the horse because we also don't have a return from do you know Equity Act planter boxes and she didn't plan all of that and I'd like to see that stuff come but I don't want this to not like this is important to two of our colleagues and I don't like the way that it looks with not supporting it either and so I I have made my comment I agree with you but this is important and I also feel like we got so much going on and if in the next iteration we do have a it's not about next Generation I'm talking about next year and about the there should be a separate like resolution for creating a specific to maybe is going to be I mean it sounds like they're there should be but I not so sure if that's already covered in hearing recovered then then fine but like we can we can do better this is this is not where I would really appreciate it if we would cohesion on this even though I feel like that's not where that there's a lot of passion here that I'm I'm seeing and I I think that I don't want this to be used as an offense for other people and I want to move cohesion for her yeah I hear you I just think this is unfortunately a missed opportunity to celebrate a significant love of folks in our community I mean every single one of these whereas is starts with ccusd this this document centers us this document does not focus on the Latino Latino Latin as Latin or Hispanic Unity it focuses on us I think it's but she's feeling she she's passionate about this and about perfection being the barrier and she's she's naming she she she doesn't like it we're saying yes and and that's not it's not acceptable right now to to do the tip to do that so I'm okay I'm okay moving forward with it and I really want to implore you because we oh we need to work on what we can work on together and I I asked you if you can we can do that right now and I also say when I just want to add I'm not trying to persuade you to change your vote I'm trying to persuade you to see that we're never going to get to Perfection and that even though this says Heritage and even though the stuff Hispanic those are two things that I probably would not use to call resolution myself but this is not about me this is about the group of individuals who have worked on this for her research this this is what they have put together also had public comment last year that talked about hispanic being an important named to continue to keep on here I heard that's why it's there it's not just my opinion but I think we need to move forward the meeting is going long can I marinate a title to vote however you wish to vote that is not my purpose here to change your vote my purpose is to tell you I'm not 100% happy with this can I make a can I would like to ask for a boat we've been long it's important to me to have cohesion can we would you be amenable to just changing the the name of 2 or does it have to be what I said was emotion which is funny but I meant to say motion I would like to amend ocean to include the changes so I want to move this item with the changes and there are three now so one is that on the second whereas will be replaced with really strong language around multilingual and Multicultural Multicultural the second change is that the final whereas will be changed to a now therefore be it resolved that would mean that the second therefore needs to just be a therefore that the now would be removed and that the third major change is that the second-to-last therefore it be it resolved will promotion do I need to accept the second or second it again so I will second that again thank you okay let's take a boat with you colleagues all those in favor say aye all right are we capable of reading this with the changes or do we need okay why don't we start on the left you know what let's do a rotation get out of you start we're going to three lions eat you'll jump in with that second whereas Maybe The Three Lions it's fine give me that hi you printed it this weekend at me all right resolution in support of Latina Latino latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month in the Culver City Unified School District whereas the Culver City Unified School District Prides itself on being a beacon of diversity with goals to ensure that all students develop strong academic Knowledge and Skills behave curiosity engagement and knows the necessity of family engagement and participation for Student Success and we didn't to see you as you recognized as the beauty of diverse cultures multilingual and Multicultural multi-race promotes the California seal of biliteracy and provides a studies Force option and whereas the district's Mission includes providing a safe and inclusive environment for every student and whereas the district's core beliefs include the following everyone deserves to be treated with respect honoring diversity a stronger and the sense of family and belonging is integral to our lives and whereas the city of Culver City and ccusd is home to students staff and families were Latin X and Hispanic with many different heritage heritage and we're at CC was he recognizes that immigration status disproportionately impact families who are seeking Asylum from Latin American countries and where are they in the 2016 17 school year to teach USD board past board resolution number for declaring ccusd a safe space for students and family members who are undocumented and their families can seek help assistance information and Saint straight if faced with fear and anxiety about related in the enforcement and we're ICC with Deacon X families with organizations that provide access to Legal Services for CCISD students and families who are undocumented Citizens Band whereas only 37% of ccusd students are Latina Latino Latin American Hispanic and only 27% of ccusd teachers are Latina Latino latinx and Hispanic and whereas in 2019 only 80% of our students who are Latina Latino latinx and Hispanics are considered college and career-ready as compared to 56% of our overall ccusd student population and as in 2023 Latino Latino and Hispanic students took 125 more AP exams than in 2022 and maintained a 75% pass rate which is a score of 3 or higher therefore now therefore be resolved the district will establish a district-wide Latino and Hispanic families Council who will partner with the board superintendent assistant superintendent the i in the circle points doing equipment Empower Latino Hispanic families in valued members of the district therefore be it resolved at Culver City Unified School District will be welcoming and encouraging place and Century for all students staff and fam who are Latina Latino latinx and Hispanic therefore be resolved sccu expands the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month to Latina Latino at the next and Hispanic Heritage Month therefore be it resolved that ccusd will in alignment with the 2020 ccusd Equity action plan increase the diversity of diversification of staff to include more teachers who are Latina Latino latinx and it's panic and therefore be it resolved ccusd will increase the number of students who are Latina Latino latinx and Hispanics are in college and career-ready that are college and career-ready two-deep implementation and expansion of existing initiatives for example access enrollment in rigorous a through G courses and CTE Pathways and participation programs such as Avid and dual-enrollment and therefore be it resolved Culver City Unified School District to Clara September 15th through 15th as Latina Latino like next and Hispanic Heritage Month and from here for each school and Gage and programs and activities that celebrate the contribution of the people who are Latina Latino latinx and Hispanic adopted this funny 2023 by the Culver City Unified School District Board of Education in Los Angeles County California proceed 13-point 8 resolution September's attendance Awareness Month yes sort of the cherry on top we have been promoting with our families in schools inside the entire I'm this is a resolution that we're bringing with one on the second page where Utah about engage parents one of the agents and families schools Community Partners in the media to help spread the message that good attendance matters and to help to help develop solutions to ensure that all children school as much as possible so this is this is the thinking here we're out for your approval how can I get motion I can move it honey, I just want to thank you for considering more inclusive language than parents all those in favor say aye 13 actually 14.1 second read of revised board policy is graduation activity thank you for time is it at members of the board this is brought to you tonight for a second read really it probably feels like the fit read because we approved this in June but this comes forward to you with technical language which is to prove because of the upcoming fpm process the federal program monitoring this is one of the items we have to upload as it is discoverable and it has just some technical changes like the governing board or the office of County Superintendent of Schools so it is recommended tonight for your approval thank you you're going to get a motion to move it discussion Have Nots thank you for the update I I do want because I don't think that we understood the impact and till now because this is come before without these edits and I don't think that we understood that because now now through that the dialogue so I thank you for keeping up with me like and it was like also I just don't like does this come after you know Mike my questions were about leg first through you know does the board approved the first through eighth grade curriculum because we you know we I need a curriculum and the upper grades like it doesn't it's not that it needs to be in the policy you know my questions are all side quests and whether or not like the setting up the expectation are we going to see a comprehensive list of all the acting classes that or Athletics and Athletics later on that get PE Credit in 9th and 10th grade and what's the you know how how this happens and so I just want to say to the folks out there that like you know this stuff I've been told by doctor Baxter is forthcoming because it says the board will approve a list of X Y and Z could I just offer yet on the Culver City High School website or all the approved see is sports and the Athletics. Is 6. Students will be getting PE credit and a list of those are is readily available for you and the curriculum and syllabi are submitted at the high school specifically and reviewed by administrators and then there is routine pacing and Alignment because PE minutes PE curriculum is all under review from fpm so all those things are happening it is not one of the in terms of an adopted curriculum that does not want although the state standards are the curriculum in this instance it's not one of the four areas that we use for textbooks it doesn't have an identified like standout curriculum in that way so but in terms of the language that's in the policy we're supposed to be moving the list of full comprehensive list of know so it's listed in the board policy it it's that same we it's that same list as before so we made an inclusive list that included the areas that we discussed in might have been April or May and then that list is exhaustive and says you know including combat is I think it's the exact language that it says and so basically it's a local decision if we Grant PE credit for it for those items and the items are not beyond what you all are aware of this list is already inside the policy and that's nuts. not something that is separate. Athletics or it's one of those it's on this GIF piece where students where you can look to see what Athletics what sports are offered in fall winter and spring Okay so which brings me back to we I don't know if this was previously ok'd by a previous board but you know when we were first going back and forth on the dance one curriculum which never I don't think ever came back to us know and it's we can bring it back for an information I didn't but we don't see any instrumental changes into which it to be brought back really what needed to happen with the board policy needed to be approved instead of the curriculum the like board the cuz we got the course is has already been approved in the past so we can bring it back as an information item I can attach it in the Friday memo this week but that so you're saying it's been approved in the past not not by this word exact so it's still functional and even if it's not it's not checked off for PE credit that this particular policy does the it supersedes that question this disport policy supersedes that okay and then so Tony Spano JP's and another teacher there was a variable term waiver or is that what it's called about like how their credential differently so they needed do we need that for someone like also rather than talk about anybody so I would love to identify maybe those whose you know the people that might have in mind and we can work with HR to answer questions because he has an example of patience that if that's if if. what it is then hopefully we can cuz I think that you shared with me some of some of the comprehensive list but if we can you know provide that in the future to the rest of the boards but everybody has has the same thing into the spreadsheet okay thank you so much thank you in favor say aye sorry I lost my space here in time 14 to curriculum Associates I ready we are proposing the board approve i-Ready and that in review of our preliminary data which were excited to share with you publicly when it is no longer embargoed and it is verifiable would be supported further rather than the the man that we currently have which I will not name but we know that I ready is more specific targeted will will help students and Educators get students to where they need to be we have a lot of talking points we actually have our i-Ready rap is here in case you all had any specific questions but we're very excited to move this forward and replacement of the current match supplement which these things are built into our El Cap so it's not like it's an additional con this is a replacement and the contract that we currently have four mathematical supplement which is available on Clever is expiring in October I promise I didn't know the rep was here when I said I did not know okay I promise motion please so this will be all schools K through 5 it's math is not i-Ready language arts or whatever the equivalent is reading balanced literacy model and the gradual at least the Writers Workshop in all in literacy it is not a need at this time from Educators but this math supplement is and we are proposing this as well because the new framework has recently come out and the adoption will not happen until 20 35 so this is a nice standards-aligned component for educators to use so we can we can just be fun math instruction for students polite but yeah be specific about what this is replacing yes the curriculum is replacing is DreamBox we have a listing at Services if he owes and what we can pair down this is was very strategic thank you very much thank you yeah you should be able to sleep easy tonight it's already in writing on the little executive summary on the board. So don't worry but I am curious if you could speak to the beefing up because I do have that new framework in mind and I do have all the really good research out of Stanford on the top of my mind so I am could you say a little bit about how this is I'm getting moving in that direction yes so i-Ready really allows the teacher to look at which claims and targets a student might need more instruction in and around gives ideas for reteaching and helps with differentiation within the classroom with many Educators many teachers report that something they need at most time for and so we're very excited about the standards alignment we have had a pilot school at El Rincon for years they also have student groups that have narrowed the opportunity Gap so there's a and sandwich when we consulted with Educators across the district that this would be the way to move the other piece that we're very excited about is the within the day professional development that I read he's going to be able to push in and help educators with so that way they're able to use the tools as a supplement awesome thank you for that has not helped me remember not about that one, thanks okay thank you I just have one question and that's literally because I've been hearing from English learners. math is very hard for them and that even though there were doing well in elementary and maybe they did well in middle school but once they get to that algebra and geometry where the language they need to read me a problem how does this help them that's a great question so this has pieces for English Learners when we get into the differentiation and then when we articulate with the Middle School game with them to see if this is a supplement they might like as well to support math Matt instruction in math and then we get to the high school we have a few things that are really important to note which is intervention support and we have Chiron to help and some in algebra we also have an ELD tutoring which all I'll put in the Friday of date and we have different AP boot camps that help and support students as they acquire math skills and they move through the high school so for example the family that reached out for support I sent that to the person who's organizing c p flax and made sure that that student hat is going to have a round of support in terms of algebra internet great teachers read the curriculum this summer thank you thank you so that there will be support for those word problems that are difficult for English Learners yes thank you 15.1 is the services resolution naming District representative their presentation what this does is adds my name to doctor Keller's to approve the State Building program documentation thank you can I get a motion I'll move it discussion can't Laredo all those in favor say aye 15.2 Award of bid 23-0. yes tonight we're asking you to award the painting project to the low bidder CMA painting a bid protest has been filed filed by color new accusing us DNA of a variety of transgression sin the bid process and threatening legal action are tiny finds no problems with the bid form from CMA and this we recommend that the bid be awarded tonight CMA pay are the district has two options we can proceed with awarding the contract to CNA and see if color new goes through with the Writ although we are in a strong legal position there's no guarantee that the court will not Grant the with RIT at least requiring a district to delay the project secondly the district handily the award and a CNA to address the specific claims Mr Lu's who of color new company can I get a motion a little as recommended is there a second I thought she just I thought you did okay if you don't like we have a second okay no discussion thank you so much for checking with legal and ensuring that this was reviewed by them are high school really needs a paint job and I also want to say that we did have a public comment on this the gentleman provided that public comment in in person earlier in the meeting all of those in favor say aye 16.1 I think you've provided before the board isn't updated coaching at assignment salary schedule for Culver City Middle School in Culver City High School seeking approval multi-purpose as a discussion yeah so I don't think that the intent of my question was he was distilled in there when I read the response to my question was for cchs because I see that CCMS has specific like love and Saban cchs clubs and also affinity group staff leaders like how like the I don't see them on here it's possible that there a separate item under DIA or maybe they're left off I don't know because maybe they're newer I don't know how we we've done this in the past so especially with the having to do with the affinity group stuff later so board member Laredo a message I didn't understand your question so why don't you and I speak and then that way I can better understand your question and then address it in the Friday report if that's okay with you okay all those in favor say aye aye aye 16.2 approval is recommended for resolution variable term waiver request thank you we are approval for this various variable term waiver this is a variable term waiver for an assistant principal for a Lin Howe Elementary School Elementary School staff selected this who comes highly recommended is an ad in administrative program just has two classes to finish almost done and will receive the preliminary administrative credential at that point so we are recommending approval thank you I'll move it second all of those are scussion I don't think you all those in favor say aye 17.1 board corner Latino Hispanic heritage resolution I would also like if we introduced our overpark wardenburg new corporate phone number awards that we presented tonight already up here in Culver Pride sounds good I suppose we should also mention the September attendance month September is attendance Awareness Month we've we've had that will continue to run it 17.2 future agenda items ATC just I'm bringing forward to speak I've already contacted our bond attorney to bring forward a and item to the next meeting regarding the bond potential I stopped at once are bored connect with Jared if there is an additional education information please do get more information with regards to that issue no having passed to bond to my previous District I'm happy to meet with any you and talk to you about I know the context different but I have some familiarity with this process thanks greatly appreciate that 18 point like to ask to adjourn in memory of sorry hang in there with me please I would like for us to adjourn in memory can I get a motion to adjourn in memory of did you just butt you found the name yeah okay are you ready to move it for him okay thank you I'd like to move that we adjourn in memory of hauling to etran friend's mother who recently passed away after a along I think she was Ill but she was also very elderly and thank you so much Miss Williams for passing that note to us we really appreciate a journaling and her memory thank you okay I love those in favor say aye or evening everyone
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