Behavior Teacher Resources
Setting up Class Norms/ Working Agreements:
Teaching Positive Behavior:
- Supporting Positive Behavior in a Distance Learning Environment (coming soon as a staff PD at school sites at the beginning of 2020-2021 school year)
- Class Dojo: behavior management online support system
- Student/Teacher Game is quick and easy strategy to promote and acknowledge students following expectations in the classroom.
Classroom Positive Behavior Strategies:
- Nonverbal signals to foster communication while limiting interruptions during instruction
- Creating when-then statements with students to clearly explain what you expect- and the positive outcome that will happen
- Describing what's expected of students in a way that is obvious and easily understood by pre-correcting and prompting
- Getting students' attention through respectful redirection- without making a big deal about it- by using a calm tone, neutral body language, and clear, concise wording.
- Brain Breaks
- Self control strategies in the classroom
Tiered Interventions: (We will create our own CCUSD menu of Tiered Supports as we go through the PBIS training. For now you can access the following resources:)
- Tier 1 Interventions
- Tier 2 Interventions (continue tier 1 supports)
- Tier 3 Interventions (continue tier 1 supports)
- Sensory Tools
- Data Tracking
Addressing Challenging Behaviors:
- Restorative Questions: Questions used to respond to challenging behavior and to help those harmed buy other's actions.
- De-escalation of behavior & Using De-escalation strategies effectively