Summer Enrichment » 3rd - 5th Grade Summer Enrichment

3rd - 5th Grade Summer Enrichment

Summer Reading/Writing
summer reading
-Edutopia- is the leading voice illuminating and showcasing what works in eduction.  This link shows a video playlist that gives ideas on how to get kids to read over break.


- Tumble Book Library - High quality books read aloud.  Quizzes and a comment/book response form for kids.  This is a subscription site, but a free trial is offered and worth the time to experience the large collection of books and club activities offered.


- lexia:  Students can log into Lexia through Clever (, Lexia will expire July 31st.  Teachers will not be monitoring Lexia during the summer, however if you need assistance with accessing Lexia please contact Devyn Norris Sped TOSA [email protected]   


3rd Grade:

           - Low Tech ELA Menus (English/Spanish)

           - ELA Fiction and Nonfiction Activities: Set 1, Set 2

           - 3rd Grade Packet (1st part is focused on ELA)


4th Grade:

           - Low Tech ELA Menus (English/Spanish)

           - ELA Fiction and Nonfiction Activities: Set 1, Set 2

           - 4th Grade Packet (1st part is focused on ELA)


5th Grade:

           - Low Tech ELA Menus (English/Spanish)

           - ELA Fiction and Nonfiction Activities: Set 1, Set 2

           - 5th Grade Packet (1st part is focused on ELA)

Other ELA Resources:
funbrain Funbrain: Read books online by grade level: 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade
Into the Book Into the Book (English or Spanish)
Scholastic Learn at Home: Scholastic provides 20 days’ worth of active learning journeys designed to reinforce and sustain educational opportunities for those students who are unable to attend school.
Starfall(2nd and 3rd Grade) emphasis is on phonemic awareness, systematic sequential phonics, and common sight words in conjunction with audiovisual interactivity has proven effective in teaching emergent readers.
Storyline Online Story Online  
storyplace Story Place:  Library of digital resources for kids (Spanish)
Wide Open School Wide Open Schools:  TK- 5th grade reading and writing free tools to help students learn through the COVID-19 Crisis
Summer Math:
summer math
- ixl :  Students can log into IXL through Clever (, IXL will expire June 30th (except La Ballona & CCMS who have paid accounts) 
- 3rd Grade
          - Low Tech Math Menu (English/Spanish)
          - 3rd Grade Packet (second part focuses on math)
          - Word Problem Practice 1, 2/3, 4
- 4th Grade
          - Low Tech Math Menu (English/Spanish)
          - 4th Grade Packet (second part focuses on math)
          - Word Problem Practice 1, 2/3, 4
- 5th Grade
          - Low Tech Math Menu (English/Spanish)
          - 5th Grade Packet (second part focuses on math)
          - Word Problem Practice 1, 2/3, 4
Additional Math Resources:
Bedtime Math:  Just 5 quick minutes of number fun for kids and parents at home. Read a cool fun fact, followed by math riddles at different levels so everyone can jump in.  The app is available in Spanish and English.    


Math Games: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, & 5th Grade


Math Lessons/Enrichments 

Wide Open School

Wide Open Schools:  TK- 5th grade math free tools to help students learn through the COVID-19 Crisis

Design Thinking & Science Distance Learning Resources (from SDUSD)

  • Design Thinking: Through these learning sequences, students use engineering, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. They develop their Habits of Mind through hands-on activities that get them creating and building. To learn more about the design challenges visit: PBS Design Squad.
  • Science Distance Learning: These resources are meant to support your child in Science while at home. We believe at the core of the Next Generation Science Standards, students are exploring phenomena with curiosity, engaging in the Science and Engineering practices, and using cross cutting concepts as a lens through which they can explore their world
PBS LearningMedia logo

PBS Learning Media: Search by Grade Level

Scholastic Learn at Home: Scholastic provides 20 days’ worth of active learning journeys designed to reinforce and sustain educational opportunities for those students who are unable to attend school.
national geographic kids
Wide Open School

Wide Open Schools: TK- 5th grade science free tools to help students learn through the COVID-19 Crisis


- PBS: Stem Activity Book


social studies
PBS LearningMedia logo

PBS Learning Media: Search by Grade Level

Wide Open School

Wide Open Schools:  TK- 5th grade Social Studies free tools to help students learn through the COVID-19 Crisis

wide open school resource
- Students can access some of the same applications they have been using all year through the clever portal,
    • iStation- Expires June 30th (except LB who has a paid account)
    • RAZKids- August 14th 
    • Site Licenses (ST Math/JiJi, Reflex, Brainpop, Squiggle Park, Freckle, etc most do not expire until Sept)
PBS weekly programming schedules that align with grade levels and subjects.
    • PBS SoCal: grades Pre-K-3
    • KLCS: Grades Pre-K-12
- Parent newsletter with activities, resources, and more
- Free text messaging program that sends activities, games, and resources directly directly to parents' cell phones
- At-Home Learning hub with weekly content and activities by grade level
Family activities (available in English and Spanish), including
- Other Low Tech Menus 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, & 5th Grade