3rd - 5th Grade Summer Enrichment
-Edutopia- is the leading voice illuminating and showcasing what works in eduction. This link shows a video playlist that gives ideas on how to get kids to read over break.
- Tumble Book Library - High quality books read aloud. Quizzes and a comment/book response form for kids. This is a subscription site, but a free trial is offered and worth the time to experience the large collection of books and club activities offered.
- : Students can log into Lexia through Clever (clever.com/in/ccusd), Lexia will expire July 31st. Teachers will not be monitoring Lexia during the summer, however if you need assistance with accessing Lexia please contact Devyn Norris Sped TOSA [email protected]
3rd Grade: - Low Tech ELA Menus (English/Spanish) - ELA Fiction and Nonfiction Activities: Set 1, Set 2 - 3rd Grade Packet (1st part is focused on ELA)
4th Grade: - Low Tech ELA Menus (English/Spanish) - ELA Fiction and Nonfiction Activities: Set 1, Set 2 - 4th Grade Packet (1st part is focused on ELA)
5th Grade: - Low Tech ELA Menus (English/Spanish) - ELA Fiction and Nonfiction Activities: Set 1, Set 2 - 5th Grade Packet (1st part is focused on ELA) |
Funbrain: Read books online by grade level: 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade | |
Into the Book (English or Spanish) | |
Scholastic Learn at Home: Scholastic provides 20 days’ worth of active learning journeys designed to reinforce and sustain educational opportunities for those students who are unable to attend school. |
Starfall(2nd and 3rd Grade) emphasis is on phonemic awareness, systematic sequential phonics, and common sight words in conjunction with audiovisual interactivity has proven effective in teaching emergent readers.
Story Online | |
Story Place: Library of digital resources for kids (Spanish) | |
Wide Open Schools: TK- 5th grade reading and writing free tools to help students learn through the COVID-19 Crisis |
- : Students can log into IXL through Clever (clever.com/in/ccusd), IXL will expire June 30th (except La Ballona & CCMS who have paid accounts)
- 3rd Grade
- Low Tech Math Menu (English/Spanish)
- 3rd Grade Packet (second part focuses on math)
- 4th Grade
- Low Tech Math Menu (English/Spanish)
- 4th Grade Packet (second part focuses on math)
Bedtime Math: Just 5 quick minutes of number fun for kids and parents at home. Read a cool fun fact, followed by math riddles at different levels so everyone can jump in. The app is available in Spanish and English. | |
Math Games: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, & 5th Grade |
Math Lessons/Enrichments |
Wide Open Schools: TK- 5th grade math free tools to help students learn through the COVID-19 Crisis |
Design Thinking & Science Distance Learning Resources (from SDUSD)
PBS Learning Media: Search by Grade Level |
Scholastic Learn at Home: Scholastic provides 20 days’ worth of active learning journeys designed to reinforce and sustain educational opportunities for those students who are unable to attend school.
Wide Open Schools: TK- 5th grade science free tools to help students learn through the COVID-19 Crisis |
PBS Learning Media: Search by Grade Level |
Wide Open Schools: TK- 5th grade Social Studies free tools to help students learn through the COVID-19 Crisis |
- Students can access some of the same applications they have been using all year through the clever portal, clever.com/in/ccusd.
PBS weekly programming schedules that align with grade levels and subjects.
- Parent newsletter with activities, resources, and more
- Free text messaging program that sends activities, games, and resources directly directly to parents' cell phones
- At-Home Learning hub with weekly content and activities by grade level