Social and Emotional Learning » SEL Teacher Resources

SEL Teacher Resources

Teacher Note:  Most resources were pulled from:   COVID 19k12 
SEL for the beginning of the year
Examples of Warm Up/Inclusion/Human Time Prompts around Social and Emotional Learning
SEL/Human Time Slideshow Prompts.  Examples of what is included:
    • Like Me:  Teacher says a statement and students put a zoom thumbs up for anything that they agree with.  
    • Which emoji describes your day, week . . . 
    • Picture of 4 different animals: Today I feel like ___, because______
    • Flavor Profile:  Which life savers represents how you are feeling (sugar free, hard candy, mints)
    • Road to this week:  4 pictures which one do they connect with and why
    • Hopes and Fears
    • Elevator Pitch
    • Glow and Grows:  What are you glowing about? What is an area you want to grow in? 
    • 4 Statement Virtual 4 Corners.
    • Virtual Scavenger Hunt
    • Poll Everywhere
    • Mentimeter

Picture Books that Support Social Emotional Learning 
  •  Epic! Books - Digital library for subscription purchase of $7.99/a month. Offering unlimited access to 35000 of the best children’s books. 
  • Julia Cook Books - A list of books, grades PK through 8th grade,  by former school counselor Julia Cook, that promote social emotional learning at home. 


Below are some examples of books that encourage Social and Emotional Learning. They can be purchased on Amazon or listened to on YouTube.


Books about Feelings 


Books about Kindness


Books about Mindfulness 



Mindfulness Resources: