State Test and IABs
Smarter Balanced Assessment 3-8, 11 (ELA and Math)
California Science Assessment 5, 8, and 11th grade (CAST)
- The CAST has two sections:
- A computer adaptive test (selected responses, constructed responses, table, fill-in, etc)
- Performance task (extended activities that measures a students ability to integrate knowledge and skills across multiple standards.)
- Sample Students Score Report
- For more information about the CAST, visit this link
California Alternative Assessment (CA) for ELA/Math (3-8,11), and Science(5,8, 11)
- Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are unable to take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment even with accessibility supports and whose individualize education program (IEP) indicates assessment with an alternate test for (Smarter Balanced ELA/Math)
- The content is based on the alternate achievement standards derived from the CCSS for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.
- For the CAA for science it has three embedded performance task administered online.
- Sample Student Score Report
- For more information on California Alternate Assessment visit the website.
- Accessibility Resources
English Language Proficiency Assessment for Ca (ELPAC) K-12
Information will be updated as we get guidance from the state for the 2020-21 school year
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Accessibility Resources: |
- Questions during time of testing should be directed towards the site testing coordinator