CCCPTA Officers

Culver City Council of PTAs Officers  2023-2024


Contact email: [email protected]


President  Summer McBride                                    


Executive VP Megan Oddsen Goodwin   Communications, PR and Social Media


1st VPVioleta Mendoza   Creates Reflections & HSA Chairperson; Creates directory


2nd VP  OPEN   Legislative liaison; Reports on issues affecting education and children at National, State & school board levels; organizes Culver City Sacramento Safari delegation.


3rd VP Allison Herbst   Membership; receives monthly update reports of membership numbers from every unit; receives all forms and checks for community memberships.


4th VPMara Bushansky   Elementary school pictures; Red Ribbon Week  


5th VP, DEI  -- Gina Polesetsky Oversees the Equity committee events and chairs for all the schools.


Treasurer –  Monika Okker  Keeps Council financial records; receives records from units


Auditor –  Maggie Peters   Audits Council financial records and oversees the auditing of unit financials


Financial SecretarySarah Stevenson  Makes deposits


Recording SecretaryAnna Daurio  Takes & distributes meeting minutes


HistorianAngela Izuel  Keeps track of PTA volunteer hours


Parliamentarian — Evan Smith  Oversees changes to bylaws, ensures that meetings follow PTA rules of order. 


Corresponding Secretary Lauren Jagnow   Handles correspondence as requested by the President.


Inclusion Committee Chair - Liz Vila oversees the inclusion activities and chairs for all the schools


Backpacks for Kids Chair - Kathy Vigil Oversees the Backpack for Kids program.





CCHS/CP: Andrea Bardin-Schainen


CCMS: Maya Chason


El Marino: Zoila Moreira


El Rincon:  VK Shah


Farragut: Robert Noriega


La Ballona:  Christine Maitland-Koeh


Linwood Howe: Anna Dembs