Special Education » COVID19 FAQs


During distance learning special education teachers will continue to support students with IEPs by working with small groups of students, co-teaching lessons, collaborating with general education teachers and scheduling and holding virtual IEP meetings.  Related service providers (speech therapists, occupational therapists, etc.) will also continue to support students virtually.
Yes. SB-98 requires that each Individualized Education Program (IEP) include a description of the services to be provided under “emergency conditions” in which instruction cannot be delivered in-person for more than 10 school days.  

The school day has new required instructional minutes as follows: 

    • Kindergarten - 3 Hours (180 minutes) 
    • 1st - 3rd grade - 3 hours 50 min (230 minutes) 
    • 4th - 12th grade - 4 hours (240 minutes) 

Each student must have a daily live interaction with a teacher (via Zoom, Google Meets, or telephone). School staff must take attendance and document daily student participation.

Senate Bill 98 is a new California law that was approved in July 2020 along with the state budget. The new law addresses required standards for public schools and provides guidance and recommendations for education during times of emergencies.

SB-98 defines an Emergency Learning Plan as a description of the services in an IEP to be provided under “emergency conditions” in which instruction cannot be delivered in-person for more than 10 school days.  

As of June 29, 2020, Emergency Learning Plans must be developed at initial IEPs, or at the next regularly scheduled revision of the IEP.

  • Emergency Learning Plans must include a description of how: Special education and related services; Supplementary aids and services; Transition services; and Extended school year services will be provided under “emergency conditions.”
  • The Emergency Learning Plan should include synchronous (live via Zoom, Google Meets, or telephone ) and asynchronous (video models, packets, google classroom) instruction and related services. 
  • Because CCUSD is starting the 2020-21 school year with Distance Learning under emergency conditions, Case Managers in collaboration with families will develop Emergency Learning Plans immediately.
The Emergency Learning Plans will replace the Distance Learning Plans created in Spring 2020. The Emergency Learning Plans should be more robust, as SB98 requires daily live instruction and improve upon our learnings from the Spring of 2020. For students in Special Day Classes, case managers will ensure that each student receives the minimum number of instructional minutes required by SB-98. 
  • Yes, Emergency Learning Plans should be designed to provide students with disabilities comparable opportunities for mainstreaming as when instruction is in-person‒most importantly, for live synchronous instruction. 
  • In order to ensure mainstreaming occurs, case managers and general education teachers will coordinate schedules in order to provide students with disabilities the opportunity to interact with typically developing peers.

A Prior Written Notice is a document that provides notice to parents in their native language when a district: 

  • 1) is proposing or refusing; 
  • 2) to initiate or change; and
  • 3) the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child
A Prior Written Notice is necessary when an Emergency Learning Plan is proposing a change to a student’s IEP for distance learning. CCUSD must provide parents with a Prior Written Notice to explain any proposed changes.
  • Your childs’ service minutes (SAI) may be adjusted based on your childs’ individual needs. Case managers will collaborate with families/guardians to determine what each child needs to make progress on IEP goals via distance learning.

  • Each childs’ schedule will be reviewed to ensure that the total number of minutes meets the requirements of SB-98.

  • Individual Services (e.g. 1:1) services should align with the area of need identified in the IEP and/or the required instructional minutes for a specific content area.

Contact your case manager to request a virtual IEP meeting to discuss your concerns and collaborate with your team on the best way to provide support to your child given emergency conditions and applicable health orders.
Request a virtual IEP to review and revise the offer of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that will best meet your childs’ needs during distance learning.
  • Yes, meaningful parent participation in the creation of an Emergency Learning Plan is not only welcome, it is necessary.
  • Case Managers will schedule a discussion (via telephone, google hangout or zoom) with you to discuss your child’s IEP needs. 
  • During these discussions parents and guardians can provide input on what did and did not work for their child in Spring 2020 Distance Learning and work with the IEP team to incorporate aspects to improve for Fall 2020.
  • If necessary, ask for an interpreter to help you communicate with your case manager.
  • Yes, as the Emergency Learning Plan is part of the IEP, parents need to provide consent.
  • Parents/guardians can provide consent to the Emergency Learning Plan by:
    • signing the IEP/Emergency Learning Plan electronically 
    • sending an email to their case manager
    • verbally expressing consent to their case manager if neither of the above two options are possibilities 
  • If you do not agree or consent to the changes in the plan, discuss your concerns with your case manager. 

  • Request a virtual IEP meeting to discuss the Emergency Learning Plan with your IEP team.  

  • In order to ensure that students continue to receive SAI and related services, staff will implement the last-consented to Distance Learning Plan from Spring 2020 pending parent/guardian agreement to the Emergency Learning Plan.
Yes. Case managers will offer to hold the meeting virtually either by telephone or Zoom/Google Meets, or combination. 
Yes. If an IEP meeting was canceled due to the school closure, your case manager will work with you to reschedule it virtually.