Brian Guerrero

Brian Guerrero
Term of Office: 12/1/22 - 11/30/26


A former teacher of 27 years, Brian Guerrero is currently a full-time union organizer, trainer, and policy analyst with the California Teachers Association in the Instruction and Professional Development department. He trains educators, classified staff, and union leaders on a variety of topics, such as best practices in curriculum and instruction, creating inclusive spaces for students with special needs, second language learners, and students who identify as BIPOC and/or LGBTQ, developing systems of teacher-led professional development, and building partnerships between teachers and parents to advocate for students and public schools.  He also works with the California Department of Education and analyzes Education Code and CDE policies to provide local union chapters with information on new rules and expectations. 

Brian spent 21 years of his teaching career in the Lennox School District just south of Culver City, as both an elementary and middle school classroom teacher, and as a curriculum specialist and instructional coach.  He has also taught internationally at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Mexico City (after studying at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). After graduate school and teaching elementary for 5 years, he and his wife (also a teacher) joined the US Peace Corps and served as volunteer teachers and teacher-trainers in the Philippines for two years.   

Brian’s goal as a school board member is to work with his fellow board members, district leadership, teachers, classified staff, employee unions, students, families, and the community to provide high-quality, rigorous, well-supported academic, social-emotional, artistic, and athletic experiences for all students on safe, well-maintained campuses, to promote access and inclusion for all students in those rich experiences, to reflect critically on existing policies and practices for barriers to success, to engage with interest-holder groups regularly, and to value diversity in all forms, celebrating the richness and joy of our community and assuring that diverse voices have a role in decision-making at schools and the district.


A 12-year resident of Culver City, Guerrero’s son is a Junior at Culver City High School, after attending Culver City Middle School and El Marino Language School. The Guerrero family’s local involvements have included AYSO, Little League, and (currently) Taekwondo and CCHS AVPA.