essentialsforexcellence » Essentials For Excellence

Essentials For Excellence

We want to hear from you!  


Updates to Essentials for Excellence website: Master Plan

We thank you for your input regarding the education facilities master plan. We are tracking your input through the following format:
    • survey, and
    • listening sessions at the school sites with staff and families

Two updates:

1.) We are adding an advisory committee to prioritize school site projects based upon the unique programs offered at each site and to meet the needs of diverse learners.
The committee will be developed with representation from the following educational partners:
    • Staff representatives from schools (classified, certificated, management)
    • Family representatives from each site
    • Student from each secondary site

The advisory committee will have input before projects move forward to the board level for approval.  The Superintendent will gather feedback from education partners and district staff, and make recommendations on facility priority changes and project timelines at the Board meetings.

We value our educational partner groups' input in order to address the needs of teaching and learning in CCUSD’s community. The goal is to work collaboratively to develop plans that provide the conditions and support necessary for improved student outcomes.

2.) We are making adjustments to the priorities in the Facilities Master Plan. The current priorities listed in the Narratives and Maps in the Master Plan are subject to change based on current input heard this year. Please note, that the Master Plan is dynamic and evolving to reflect the needs of our students and community. Our focus
is to provide safe environments that engage the educational community to create meaningful connections and celebrate, understand, and respect the multi-dimensionality of each other. At CCUSD we know our students. We meet their individualized needs and advocate on their behalf. CCUSD’s district policies and instructional practices ensure that every student has access and opportunity to thrive within and beyond their school environment.

CCUSD’s environments empower educators and learners to embrace the growth mindset by exposing them to differentiated learning in universal design environments. Through malleable spaces, our campuses will support educators in the endeavor of nurturing the whole child for academic, social, emotional, and behavioral success
beyond school and throughout life.



Essentials for Excellence


Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD) is highly rated, among the top 20% of all public school districts in California, and the 4th most diverse in the entire State. Our students rank in the top 10% of math proficiency and the top 20% for Reading/language arts proficiency statewide. Graduation rates have increased from 84% to 95% over the last decade.


Unfortunately, most local schools date back to the early 1950s and have not had significant renovations in decades. At our aging neighborhood schools we need to replace leaky roofs, falling ceiling tiles, broken entrance doors, and improve drains as most schools flood when it rains. To support the essentials for academic excellence, students need up-to-date instructional technology, libraries, and science labs or they will be at a disadvantage in competing for college and careers. 


Local School Safety and Improvement Measure 

Local school leaders are proposing a $358 million bond measure on the March 5, 2024 ballot to address these urgent problems. This bond measure will:

  • Fix leaky roofs, falling ceiling tiles, and aging, deteriorated wiring, plumbing and drainage
  • Update science labs, libraries, and instructional technology to catch up with the rapidly changing demands of our modern world and support student achievement
  • Improve fire safety, emergency communications, and school security
  • Modernize our aging neighborhood schools, which support everyone’s property values 


Fiscal Accountability Provisions Keep All Funds in Culver City Schools

This bond measure will include strict fiscal accountability protections:

  • By law, all funds remain under local control and may only support CCUSD schools 
  • Independent citizen oversight committee and public reports of all spending
  • Funded by a levy limited to 6 cents per $100 of assessed property value (assessed value is generally much lower than market value if you’ve owned your home a long time)
  • CCUSD currently has the third lowest tax rate for school facility funding in LA County
  • No funds may be taken by the State


Additional Information

Contact the district by email at:[email protected]