Ed Tech Video Conferencing (Teacher & Student Videos) » Zoom


Getting Started:
Setting Up Meetings
Choose one of the following ways to set up a meeting:  Clever Portal (suggested for elementary), Zoom Website, Adding a meeting to your Google Calendar through the Zoom site)
Option 1:  Set up Meeting Through the Clever Portal:
Option 2:  Set up Meetings through the Zoom Website:
    • Share link to your classroom (Canvas/Google Classroom) above shows how to do it through CANVAS
Option 3:  Adding Meeting to your Google Calendar through the Zoom Site: 
Adjust Settings to help with Classroom Management: 
CCUSD Zoom Settings (Link)
Teacher Note:  Adjusting settings is more than half the battle.  Make sure to update before you have your first meeting.
Overview of in Class Meeting Controls
Written Directions:
* Schedule a practice meeting with colleagues or family members so you can practice sharing screens, using chat functions, or breakout rooms.  This way you can work through any hiccups before you're ready to start with your students!
During the Meeting Resources
How do I start and record my Zoom  meeting?
  1. Login to Zoom through the same link you shared with your students.
  2. Record your Zoom Meeting (to your computer or access through zoom website/cloud):
Note: Once recorded you can post it for students who could not make your class session
3.  Enable Wait Rooms:
What tools can I use during the meeting?
Share your screen/file:
Use Whiteboard:
Allow Students to Share their Screen:
Allow Multiple Users to Share their Screen:
Using Breakout Room:
Written Instructions:
Examples of use:  For Pair Shares/Turn and Talk create more breakout groups (example 15).
How do I share the recording with my students?
How do I find out who attended and for how long)
How do I access my Zoom recordings and share them?
Written Instructions:
Other Setting Options:
  • Change your Background:   You can select one of the pre-loaded backgrounds or upload your own.  This past year some chose backgrounds from West Elm or took pictures of their classroom and had that as the backdrop.  See How to Change Your Virtual Background
Teaching Considerations
First Class meeting Considerations:
Review Video Conferencing Class Procedures: (some examples below)
  • Raise Hand in Zoom (Written Instructions)
  • Identify any roles for participants (note taker, time keeper, chat box monitor etc.)
  • Whether class sessions will be recorded, where these recordings will be posted, & who has access to view the recordings
  • Have a backup plan for tech issues: How can participants contact you if tech is not working? 
  • Personal life happens-consider as a group how you want to handle these situations (ex: don’t feel bad stepping away to . . . etc.)
Review Netiquette:  (Link to CCUSD Netiqutte)
Setting up Norms for Engagement
  • Examples:
    • Step up, step back (contribute ideas and share the airtime)
    • Silence is okay-but don’t be afraid to jump in.
    • Expectations around use of and monitoring of chat box
Before Class Considerations
Pre-Session communications:
  • Sending class invitation, agenda (Agenda Template), items to have on hand for beginning of class, big questions or topics for students to begin thinking about, etc.
Pre Selecting Breakout Groups written directions link
Allow Check in SEL time
  • How early will the room be open? This can be valuable time for relationship building, debriefing, or even having a snack together. (That will also give you time to address any tech issues and get comfy in your learning space.)
Assessment tools
  • Exit ticket, how you gauge student learning during and at the end of class
Every Class Meeting:
Setting the tone for your classroom:
Read the crowd:
  • Watch their faces
  • Encourage participation
  • Check in on tech issues: Ask periodically how their experience (audio, video, tool, learning overall) is going
Bike rack (parking lot) location/procedure for questions that came up but didn’t have time to ask.
Build in time for check-ins:
  • How are participants doing?
  • What questions do they have?
  • What else do they need?
SEL Check In (Could be at the beginning of class)

Strategies to use when doing an SEL Check in:

  • Chat box: Perhaps they all answer one question or do one icebreaker in the chatbox? This is a quick time-saver.
  • Round robin: Everyone answers quickly and picks up the microphone. Or have a few share their responses. Think about how to make it inclusive yet quick.
  • Turn and talks or small groups: see below and think about grouping students who need time together to get to know each other

Activities that can be used with the above strategies:

  • Examples of Warm Up/Inclusion/Human Time for the start of class prompts:
  • Have students think of a song, food, or word that describes them at that moment. They could practice sharing screens (find a video on sharing screens here and a great non-example of sharing screens here).
  • Inspiration graffiti: Use a Google Doc and have them inset a picture that inspires them. They could also send these to you ahead of time and you can embed them into a slideshow.
  • 15 second treasure hunts: What might they all have to get up and look for? Strangest object? Something from their classroom? Something they are proud of? This is great to get students up and moving...which is not always common with online learning. Movement is great for the brain!
  • “That’s me!” Think about a few statements ahead of time that may or may not apply to students. Say the statements out loud. If they apply to the students, they have to stand up and say “that’s me!” More on this icebreaker can be found here.
  • Graffiti wall / Annotations: Create a Google Doc ahead of time or use the Whiteboard feature of Zoom. Think about having the students collect something ahead of time to post as a graffiti wall. Favorite quotes? Favorite lines from the week’s reading? Perhaps there are several questions you have prepared ahead of time (and they could be silly-what they ate for dinner). Then they can respond to each other’s answers. More on this activity here. Using Annotations in Zoom.
Getting students to talk/engage with one another through Zoom:
Turn and Talk:
  • Have each participant pair up with the person under them in the chatbox. (yes they will have two people to chat with)
  • Provide a pre-made list of pairs, based on a purposeful grouping strategy.
Breakout Rooms
  • Make your expectations for report out VERY CLEAR
  • Consider assigning roles for each group:
Protocols for Promote Student Talk:
Protocol: 3- 2- 1 (below is one example)
  • 3 things they learned from reading
  • 2 questions they have
  • 1 thing to bring to the group
Protocol: Jigsaw
  • Pre-assign the groups and readings
  • Provide direction for what and how they will report out
  • Consider using a Google Doc
  • Consider having people switch groups during the class (this has implications for how you prepare the breakout rooms and the slide(s) with assignments on them
Protocol: Gallery Walk
  • Use Google Slides for this activity
  • Through Breakout Rooms:
    • Give access to google slide show and have students talk about the images
    • Have a template for students to fill out together or be clear in what you want them to share out
  • Through typing in the note section:
    • Create 1 slide for each image / idea you want people to comment on
    • Use the notes section beneath each slides for participant comments 
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