Employee Annual Notifications and Trainings

The Office of Human Resources of the Culver City Unified School District is required by state law, Education Code and Board Policy to provide employees with the following annual notifications and requires a signed acknowledgment that such notifications were received and read.
Annual Notification of the Uniform Complain Procedures (UCP)
Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions
Child Abuse Reporting
Child Abuse Procedures
Civility Policy
Code of Ethics for the Education Professional
Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
Education for Homeless Children
Employee Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Resources
Employee Assistance Programs
Employee Complaints
Employee With Infectious Disease
Employee Notifications
Employee Safety
Employee Use of Technology
Environmental Safety
Hazardous Materials Communication Program
Industrial Accident/Illness Leave
Injury and Illness Prevention Plan
Integrated Pest Management Plan
Maintaining Appropriate Adult-Student Interaction
Nondiscrimination in Employment
Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plan -Comprehensive Safety
Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plan -Safety Plan
Professional Standards
Reasonable Accommodation
Sexual Harassment
Suicide Prevention
Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
Tobacco-Free Schools Program
Unauthorized Release of Confidential/Privileged Information
Uniform Complaint Procedures
Universal Precautions
Williams Uniform Complain Procedures
Workplace Bullying
Work-Related Injuries
ASCIP Mandatory Employee Trainings
For technical issues or trouble logging on please contact ASCIP at [email protected] or (562) 404-8029