Culver City Unified: Local Control and Accountability Plan 2017-2020 12 | P a g e and analysis of the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, as applicable. Identify where those changes can be found in the LCAP. Goal 2 Goal 2: Through PLC collaboration, all staff will share best instructional practices and programs, and implement effective 21st century classroom instruction aligned to the new California Standards (Conditions of Learning). State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OUTCOMES EXPECTED ACTUAL • The percentage of students that will be taught by teachers that will participate in PLC focused on student learning will remain above 90%. • The percentage of students that will be taught by core staff that participate in regular professional development opportunities in order to enhance collaboration will remain above 90%. • The percentage of students that will be taught by core teachers that participate in regular professional development opportunities on effective instruction aligned to the new California Standards will remain above 90%. • The percentage of students taught by core teachers that received training on the effective use of technology will remain above 90%. • The percentage of students taught by teachers that participated in PLC focused on student learning was 96%, Goal was met. • The percentage of students taught by core staff that participated in regular professional development opportunities in order to enhance collaboration was 92%. Goal was met. • The percentage of students taught by core teachers that participated in regular professional development opportunities on effective instruction aligned to the new California Standards was 75%, Goal not met. • The percentage of students taught by core teachers that received training on the effective use of technology was 74%. Goal not met.