Culver City Unified: Local Control and Accountability Plan 2017-2020 63 | P a g e ANALYSIS Describe the overall implementation of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal. The district ensured every student is connected to school through academics, athletics, activities, and the arts with a focus on having a relationship with a caring adult. Describe the overall articulated effectiveness of the actions/services to achieve the goal as measured by the LEA. Based on California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), students that feel like they are a part of their school remained above 85% and students reporting that there is a teacher or some other adult who really cares about them remained above 85% at every site. School attendance rate remained above 96%. The Culver City High School annual adjusted Grade 9-12 dropout rate was 1.6% and the Culver City Middle School annual dropout remained below .1%. The high school graduation rate was 95.4%. This graduation rate remained the same from the prior year, but the district will continue its efforts to ensure that all students will graduate. Chronic absenteeism was 6.1% which did not meet our goal. The reasons for this increase will be analyzed with the coming year and previous years to determine the likely cause of the increase. Explain material differences between Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures. Services were provided at or near budgeted expenditures. Some expenditures were not needed to accomplish the goal and therefore not utilized. Describe any changes made to this goal, expected outcomes, metrics, or actions and services to achieve this goal as a result of this analysis and analysis of the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, as applicable. Identify where those changes can be found in the LCAP. The California Dashboard indicated that our district graduation rate for all students and all subgroups were Green. Our local indicators also showed that we met our goals based on surveys but did not make our goals on Chronic Absence rate in multiple subgroups. This goal will be combined with goal 4 in the 2017-2018 LCAP, and it will remain a priority to address our Chronic Absence rate. Goal 7 Goal 7: Provide a school environment which establishes physical safety, cultivates emotional security, and facilitates responsible decision making (Engagement). State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8