Culver City Unified: Local Control and Accountability Plan 2017-2020 5 | P a g e Annual Update LCAP Year Reviewed: 2016-17 Goal 1 Goal 1: All CCUSD students will learn from properly credentialed teachers and administrators in their authorized area of instruction utilizing standards-aligned instructional materials in school facilities that are in good repair State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OUTCOMES EXPECTED ACTUAL • The rate that teachers will continue to be fully credentialed and teach students in their area of instruction will remain at 100% • Rate of teachers that are appropriately assigned will remain at 100%. • The rate that CCUSD students will utilize state adopted curriculum as their core instructional material will remain at 100%. • The rate that CCUSD facilities are in good repair as determined in the Facilities Inspection Tool will remain above 90% (100% of facilities will be in working order and pose no threats to safety). •The rate that teachers continued to be fully credentialed and teach students in their area of instruction remained at 100% Goal met •Rate of teachers that are appropriately assigned remained at 100%. •The rate that CCUSD students that utilized state adopted curriculum as their core instructional material remained at 100% Goal met. •The rate that CCUSD facilities are in good repair as determined in the Facilities Inspection Tool will remained above 90% Goal met (100% of facilities will be in working order and pose no threats to safety). ACTIONS / SERVICES Actions/Services PLANNED 1A1 - Actions and Services: As CCUSD continues to ensure that all teachers are teaching in their required areas, we will design a process to recruit and retain high quality teachers. *Year 1: We will use resources outside of our website and Edjoin to recruit teachers for hard to fill positions like Special ACTUAL CCUSD continued to ensure that all teachers were teaching in their required areas, designed a process to recruit and retain high quality teachers through the use resources outside of our website and Edjoin. A Beginning Teacher Support Program was in place and worked with new teachers to assist in