School & Family Services » TK Admission Request for Birthdates July 1-September 1

TK Admission Request for Birthdates July 1-September 1

Transitional Kindergarten Admission Request 

for a child whose fifth birthday is from July 1 through September 1


The following guidance outlines the procedures for requesting placement in Transitional Kindergarten over kindergarten. Per CCUSD Board Policy 6170.1 (June 11, 2020):

Upon request of a child’s parents/guardians and if space is available in the TK program, the district may, on a case-by-case basis after the Superintendent or designee determines it is in the child’s best interest, admit into the district’s TK program a child whose fifth birthday is from July 1 through September 1 and who is therefore eligible to attend kindergarten.

Procedure for Requesting TK Admission for Kindergarten Eligible Students:

  1. The request must be made in writing to the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services and submitted via email to [email protected] or in person.  All supporting documentation must be attached to the initial request.
  2. The request must be dated and submitted between June 1 and June 30.
  3. The request shall include the reason the parent believes it is in the child’s best interest to enter TK, as well as any supporting documentation they wish to be considered.
  4. The Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services or designee will review submitted requests and documentation.  The Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services or designee may request additional information if needed. 
  5. On July 15, the Director of School and Family Support Services will notify the Assistant Superintendent of any space available. Space shall be determined on a 22:1 student-to-teacher ratio.
  6. The Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services or designee will notify all families if their TK Admission Request was granted or denied no later than August 10. 
    1. If the parent’s TK Admission Request is granted, the student will be enrolled in TK upon the parent/guardian’s signed acknowledgment of the two-year duration of TK and Kindergarten. A signed Kindergarten Continuance Form (Parental Agreement for Pupil to Continue in Kindergarten) shall be submitted within 30 days of the end of the school year. 
    2. If the parent’s TK Admission Request is denied, the student will retain their original placement of kindergarten. The parents have a right to appeal the decision in writing to the Board of Education within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of the decision.