TK Admission Request for Birthdates July 1-September 1
Transitional Kindergarten Admission Request
for a child whose fifth birthday is from July 1 through September 1
The following guidance outlines the procedures for requesting placement in Transitional Kindergarten over kindergarten. Per CCUSD Board Policy 6170.1 (June 11, 2020):
Upon request of a child’s parents/guardians and if space is available in the TK program, the district may, on a case-by-case basis after the Superintendent or designee determines it is in the child’s best interest, admit into the district’s TK program a child whose fifth birthday is from July 1 through September 1 and who is therefore eligible to attend kindergarten.
Procedure for Requesting TK Admission for Kindergarten Eligible Students:
- The request must be made in writing to the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services and submitted via email to [email protected] or in person. All supporting documentation must be attached to the initial request.
- The request must be dated and submitted between June 1 and June 30.
- The request shall include the reason the parent believes it is in the child’s best interest to enter TK, as well as any supporting documentation they wish to be considered.
- The Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services or designee will review submitted requests and documentation. The Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services or designee may request additional information if needed.
- On July 15, the Director of School and Family Support Services will notify the Assistant Superintendent of any space available. Space shall be determined on a 22:1 student-to-teacher ratio.
- The Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services or designee will notify all families if their TK Admission Request was granted or denied no later than August 10.
- If the parent’s TK Admission Request is granted, the student will be enrolled in TK upon the parent/guardian’s signed acknowledgment of the two-year duration of TK and Kindergarten. A signed Kindergarten Continuance Form (Parental Agreement for Pupil to Continue in Kindergarten) shall be submitted within 30 days of the end of the school year.
- If the parent’s TK Admission Request is denied, the student will retain their original placement of kindergarten. The parents have a right to appeal the decision in writing to the Board of Education within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of the decision.